Explore Event Calendar - NAIOPWA
July Breakfast: Global Innovation Exchange
Wednesday, July 12, 2017, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Category: Breakfast Meetings

July Breakfast: Global Innovation Exchange: Developing Leaders in Innovation


What is GIX? The Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), a potentially giant economic engine forming in Bellevue’s Spring District, is global partnership between major research universities and innovative corporations to develop leaders in innovation. The first two academic partners are Beijing's Tsinghua University and the University of Washington, with early support from Microsoft. The GIX mission is to develop leaders in innovation, cross boundaries, and solve the world’s greatest problems. GIX is enrolling students in the Master Science in Technology and Innovation for Connected Devices, scheduled to launch this September in the Spring District in Bellevue.

Learn about GIX's goals, its formation and future from GIX COO David Maddox and how the building's innovative interiors support learning, collaboration and problem-solving from Bora Architects' Amy Running. 


  • Amy Running, BORA Architects (Interior Design)
  • David Maddox, University of Washington, GIX

Event details:

Pre-registration for this event has now closed. Onsite registration will be available on a first come first served basis. 

About our speakers
David Maddox,
University of Washington, COO, GIX, is responsible for the organizational, operating, and financial structures needed to launch, grow, and sustain GIX. He has a long career working with colleges and universities in developing financial models and budget systems, and has been at the front lines of building out new operating and funding models for higher education. These have included institution-wide initiatives to reframe budget responsibilities and resource flows, implementation of non-traditional academic programs, analysis and reorganization of administrative functions, and deep dives into the costs and operations of major functions such as Human Resources management, Information Technology, and auxiliary services. Maddox has collaborated with senior academic officials to develop models that integrate financial and operating data to inform decision-making and management and to clarify institutional economic fundamentals. He has worked with many of the leading universities and research organizations in the U.S., including four University of California campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine and Santa Cruz), Yale, Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Chicago, Iowa State University, and the Brookings Institution.

Amy Running is a senior interior designer with Bora Architects (2016 AIA Pacific NW Firm of the year), working on some of the firm’s most high profile and complex projects over the last two decades. Drawing from her rich experience in higher education and corporate environments, including Stanford’s School of Engineering and Google’s corporate campus, Amy helped craft the new home for the Global Innovation Exchange, located in Bellevue. Her human centered design of spaces integrates functionality, creativity, and occupant health.

About CoMotion
CoMotion at the University of Washington is the collaborative innovation hub dedicated to expanding the economic and societal impact of the UW community. They are driven by the idea that innovation should be inclusive – working across all disciplines, all geographies, and industries as well as NGOs – to support change that will have meaningful, positive and broad social impacts. Building international relationships and partnerships has been a significant part of their work as they explore new models of education. The Global Innovation Exchange, a partnership between UW and Tsinghua University in Beijing, is one of the first of these. GIX opens its doors to the first cohort of international students in September in their new facility in Bellevue’s Spring District.

Thank you to our July Breakfast Meeting Sponsor:

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Thank you to our Breakfast Meetings Annual Sponsor:

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To sponsor this event, contact Brooke Griffith, [email protected].

Images: GIX Exterior courtesy NBBJ; MakerSpace courtesy GIX. 

*Updated July 10, 2017, 10:00 a.m. 

Contact: Brooke Griffith: [email protected]