NAIOP Washington State’s Sustainable Development Committee elected to undertake a hot topic for 2023: Adaptive Reuse. The buzz is everywhere, so how do we synthesize that broad topic into bite size chunks? On April 6, 78 attendees took on that task with great energy.
To read more, click below. You must be logged in to your NAIOPWA member profile to access the full report. For more details about membership, email Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
Read the rest of the report, including exclusive bill tracking, using your NAIOPWA member profile. For more information about joining, email Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
Log in to your NAIOPWA member profile to access the complete report. To join, please reach out to Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
On Monday at 2:00 the State Economic Forecast Council will release the final economic forecast that the biennial budget will be based upon. The Senate is expected to make their budget public sometime next week, and on Friday the Senate Ways and Means committee will hold a marathon public hearing on the budget.
Join now to read the full report. For more information, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
To access the full report, log in to your NAIOPWA member profile. Now is a great time to join the association and get access to exclusive legislative updates like this one. For more information, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
NAIOP Washington State members have full access to our state legislative reports. For more information about joining, please contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
NAIOP Washington State is excited to celebrate Women in Construction week. This holiday is linked with the founding of the National Association of Women in Construction (1953) and is observed to appreciate the women who have made huge impacts to the industry.
In the construction industry women, make up less than 11% of the workforce. At NAIOPWA, we are honored to have several of these women in leadership positions on our Board of Directors, on our member committees, and at our member companies. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee took the time to ask four prominent members of our industry to share their journeys and experiences as women in construction:
To view NAIOP's bill tracking report and the full legislative update, log in to your NAIOPWA member profile by clicking below.
For more information about becoming a member, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
To view NAIOP's bill tracking report and the full legislative update, log in to your NAIOPWA member profile by clicking below.
For more information about becoming a member, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
Log in to your NAIOPWA member profile to see the status of the bills we are following and committee hearings next week.
For more information about joining NAIOP and receiving exclusive legislative updates, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
NAIOP Washington State is excited to partner with the Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) and Onni Group for the 2023 Real Estate Challenge.
I will provide a more detailed update of which priority bills have moved out of committee after February 17.
For more information about joining NAIOP and gaining access to exclusive legislative reports, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
Full legislative reports are available exclusively to current members. For more information about joining our chapter, contact Danielle Duvall, [email protected].
The 2023 session of the Washington State Legislature convened on January 9 for a 105-day legislative session. This is the first since 2020 to completely return to Olympia for both committee hearings as well as floor action. One addition to the legislative process is the complete integration of hybrid legislative hearings allowing for both in person testimony as well as remote testimony allowing individuals who cannot make the trip to Olympia to participate in hearings from around the state.
Per tradition, the first few days were dedicated to the organization of the legislature, the swearing in of public officials, as well as a state of the state address from Governor Inslee in which he presented his priorities for the legislative session. Governor Inslee outlined several policies including significant increases in spending on housing, homelessness, behavioral health, and education. He also advanced policies on gun control and abortion rights.
Presented on Friday night at the NAIOPWA 2022 Night of the Stars Gala, the awards honored an impressive slate of commercial real estate projects that serve the community with innovations in retail, office, industrial and multi-family development.
The projects, and the developers who engaged them, demonstrate the flexibility and ingenuity of the CRE community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, NAIOPWA’s 2022 Night of the Stars finalists highlight the growth in transit-oriented development (TOD), multi-family housing from high-rise urban to supportive housing, and various programs that encourage development in underutilized regions such as Opportunity Zone funding.