June Breakfast 2017: It's All About the Experience
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST
Category: Breakfast Meetings
June Breakfast 2017: It's All About the ExperienceDemographic changes, technological innovation, a focus on experiences over things, and a community and sharing culture are having a profound impact on design and placemaking across many types of projects. At our June breakfast, please join us as three leading architecture firms discuss current design trends in residential, retail, and office that focus on enabling community and enhancing user experiences. Panelists:
Moderator: Clair Enlow Event details:
Pre-Registration for this event has now closed. Onsite registration will be available on a first come first serve basis. About our speakers Ryan Mullenix is a partner at NBBJ and a co-lead of the firm’s corporate practice. In his role, Ryan is a strong advocate for data-driven design, a process that uses custom algorithms to link geometry with data to augment both human and building performance. Ryan has led the design of numerous award-winning projects nationally and internationally. His work and expertise have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, San Jose Mercury News, Recode, Newsweek, Quartz, Bloomberg News, BBC, CNBC and National Public Radio. Clair Enlow covers environmental issues, urban design, architectural policy and professional culture as a columnist for the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce. As a freelance reporter, her byline has appeared in Metropolis, ARCADE, Pacific, Architectural Record and Landscape Architecture Magazine, among others. Thank you to our June Meeting Sponsors: Thank you to our Breakfast Meetings Annual Sponsor:
Contact: Kirsten Rinker, [email protected] |