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Building a Future: Gen Z Has Something to Say [November Breakfast Recap]

Who demands multiple mentors, likes working individually and has an attention span of eight seconds? A despondent Gen X’er? Nope. A forgetful Baby Boomer? Nah. Look no further than those born the same year Windows 95 was released. We found out about this generation and their values and expectations at this month’s NAIOPWA breakfast.

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Char Patterson [Member Profile]

Char Patterson headshot - woman looking at camera and smilingChar Patterson is NAIOPWA's 975th member and is an architect and partner with JPC Architects. The company opened its doors in 1986 with a primary focus on interior architecture and design. Based on their long-term relationships and the strength of their work, JPC Architects has evolved into one of the largest firms of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. While corporate interior architecture is the foundation of their portfolio, they also excel in retail, healthcare, small-scale shell and core, and hospitality. JPC Architects' collective team of 75 includes architects, interior designers, technical and administrative staff who share a commitment to meeting the business objectives of our clients while crafting inspirational, sustainable, and productive work places.

How long have you been with your company?
Since 1994 – 24 years.

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Night of the Stars 2018 Winners Include The Spheres, Sanctuary Seattle, Arbora Court and the BLOCK Project

Night of the Stars 2018 Winners Include The Spheres, Sanctuary Seattle, Arbora Court and the BLOCK Project

Ada M. Healey inducted to the NAIOP Washington State Hall of Fame inductee in recognition of her contributions to the built environment of Seattle and the Puget Sound 

People’s Choice Award goes to Maritime Building Seismic Upgrade and Renovation

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New Benchmarking Analysis Report Highlights Savings

The Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment released their latest Energy Benchmarking Analysis Report  to update energy performance trends based on data reported to the City from 2014 – 2016. The report highlights key building energy and emissions metrics for the 3,300 benchmarked buildings and reveals that continuously benchmarked buildings have reduced emissions, saved money, and improved performance over time.

Highlights include:

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Creating a Virtual Reality [October Breakfast Recap]

October 2018 Breakfast header image - text over graphics implying use of virtual reality with house, trees

Programming Committee Co-Chair Ed Scherer introduced the October panel about augmented, virtual and mixed reality technologies and how they are changing the commercial real estate industry. These technologies are becoming more and more seamlessly embedded and integrated into the design and delivery process, providing immersive experiences, and streamlined and more efficient construction and maintenance.

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The Ada Healey Playbook: How to Build a City [Hall of Fame 2018]

Night of the Stars 2018 Hall of Fame graphic - Ada Healey

Photo of Ada M. HealeyWith more than nine million square feet of real estate development to her name, Ada Healey’s name is synonymous not only with Seattle commercial real estate, but also with thoughtful, holistic development that carefully considers its community.

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University District in Transition [September Breakfast Recap]

Banner promoting NAIOPWA breakfast

New Programming Committee Chair Chris Beza introduced the September panel about the quickly transforming University District. The new Link light rail station, neighborhood upzone, and UW Master Plan are key factors influencing the area, each of which is a substantial change. Together, they add up to some remarkable changes that will continue to shape the ever-changing University District. It was an insightful morning and the only thing that could have made it better would have been a cameo of one or two of the iconic musicians that have sung about The Ave over the years (maybe an idea for next year, programs committee?!).

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2018 Night of the Stars Finalists [Member News]

NAIOP WA Announces New App Featuring CRE’s Industry Best with 2018 Night of the Stars Finalists & First Winner

Second Annual People’s Choice Award with Daily Voting Online September 19 - October 12

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Change Makers for a Better Future [Event Recap]

Change Makers promotional graphicWe all hope for a better future. On July 31, the NAIOPWA Sustainable Development Committee and the Developing Leaders Committee co-hosted the third annual Change Makers networking event, with the goal of getting closer to that better future.

To do this, the committees brought together voices from a diverse group of local change-making organizations caring for our environment, charting innovative codes and policy, and establishing Seattle as a leader in sustainable development and beyond. The goal was to pool the attendees’ collective wisdom, challenge assumptions, reach across boundaries and explore what's possible when everyone pulls in the same direction.

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The Future of Urban Industrial [July 2018 breakfast recap]

The future of urban industrialOn July 11, NAIOPWA held our monthly breakfast meeting at the Georgetown Ballroom to learn about the future of urban industrial and take a field trip to the nearby Prologis Georgetown Crossroads, the first multi-level distribution center of its type.

President Tony Toppenberg kicked off the meeting by thanking our breakfast sponsor, Sierra Construction, and our stellar group of annual sponsors. We sincerely thank them for their involvement.

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The Confluence of Real Estate Capital with Technology [June Breakfast Recap]

all speakersOn Wednesday, NAIOP WA State interacted with a panel from CrowdStreet, Inc., their sponsors Scanlan Kemper Bard and SMARTCAP, and Stoel Rives LLP about online real estate investment, which is experiencing exponential growth. The online investment market allows for a diversity in investment profiles, potentially higher gains, and an increase of available analytical data. Molly Moore, CMO from CrowdStreet, moderated the panel where they talked online investment and legal implications and regulations.

Mary P. Hull, a Partner at Stoel Rives LLP, gave a brief introduction on the legal landscape explaining whether it is legal to raise capital for commercial real estate online (yes), and going over the ins and outs of the Jobs Act 2012, Angel List of 2010, and general securities laws such as Rule 506(b) and 506(c).

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Emerging Markets in the Puget Sound Region [May Breakfast Recap]

three men hold an oversized checkOn Wednesday morning, we heard from Seattle’s neighboring cities that are emerging markets in our area (and don’t have a head tax!).

Before the program started, there was a recap on the Spring Property Tour and a Fred Hutchison representative gave their appreciation to everyone that came out earlier in the month. NAIOP WA State then presented a generous donation for $4,000 to the cancer research study organization.

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2018 Broker Forecast: Is the Air Getting Thin? [April Breakfast Recap]

April Breakfast: 2018 Broker Forecast: Is the Air Getting Thin? [Event Recap]

Mt Rainier with text

Four speaker headshots

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Battle of the Economists [March 2018 Breakfast Recap]

April breakfast panel A “battle royale” was held at the NAIOP Breakfast Meeting on March 21, also known as a lively and illuminating discussion with two premier economists from our area.

President Tony Toppenberg began the meeting by showing even more features from the NAIOP WA app. It really does have some great features including the presenters’ slides for each breakfast meeting, downloadable for one month after each event. New members were introduced and we heard the sad news that Sharlyn Turner of Peterson and Sullivan passed away.

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Capital Markets 2018 [February 2018 Breakfast Recap]

men on stage at a presentationDespite the cold weather, NAIOP Washington State members and supporters came in full force on Wednesday, February 28, to learn more about capital market trends in our region and what they mean for the future.

Mike Wood of NBS Financial Services moderated the panel and the Q&A discussion following. He kicked the event off with a confident and positive summation of real estate investments in the region.

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Report: Commercial Real Estate in Washington State Supported 56,617 Jobs and $8.8 Billion of GDP in 2017 [Press Release]

SEATTLE – The NAIOP Research Foundation has released the NAIOP Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate report (2018 Edition). The report is conducted for purposes of estimating the annual economic contribution of commercial real estate development to the U.S. economy.

Development and construction of new commercial real estate in the United States – office, industrial, warehouse and retail – generates significant economic growth at the state and national levels. This annual study, “The Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate,” published by the NAIOP Research Foundation, measures the contribution to GDP, salaries and wages generated and jobs supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate.

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NAIOP WA 2018 Wins Three Chapter Merit Awards [Press Release]

NAIOP Washington State Wins Three National Chapter Merit Awards Honoring Leadership in Government Affairs, Member Growth and Executive Leadership

Peggi Lewis Fu headshot

SEATTLE – At the 2018 NAIOP Chapter Leadership and Legislative Retreat on February 6, NAIOP Corporate honored NAIOP Washington State with three Chapter Merit Awards, the most awarded to any single large chapter this year. NAIOP’s annual merit awards program evaluates chapter education, government affairs involvement, member recruitment and retention, communications, and chapter management. NAIOP Washington State won recognition for its Legislative/Government Affairs efforts; for membership growth, with the greatest number of new members in 2017; and for leadership, with Executive of the Year going to NAIOPWA Executive Director Peggi Lewis Fu. 

In 2017, NAIOPWA, led by its Government Affairs Committee, made significant impacts on state and local legislation affecting the business environment and commercial real estate; helped elect business-friendly leaders, including Mayor Jenny Durkan; and expanded outreach beyond Seattle with its first eastside mayors and elected officials event, and plans to broaden into Snohomish county as well. 

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NAIOP WA honored with record three awards at 2018 Chapter Legislative & Leadership Retreat

Congratulations to the NAIOPWA Government Affairs and Membership Committees, as well as our own Executive Director Peggi Lewis Fu for top honors at NAIOP's 2018 Chapter Legislative and Leadership Retreat! Our volunteer and staff leadership were honored with 2018 Chapter Merit Awards for above-and-beyond efforts, including the most new members in 2017.

Special thanks to our Government Affairs chairs, Nancy Rogers and Donnie Belk, and board liaison Ann Bishop; and our 2017 Membership chairs, Danny Jackson and Steve Cory, and board liaison Monty Kilcup; as well as 2017 Chapter President Kristin Jensen. You make NAIOPWA the leading organization for CRE professionals in Washington State.

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Real Estate Challenge 2018 Site Sponsor Announced!

NAIOP WA's Real Estate Challenge is an annual contest matching teams from real estate programs at Portland State University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Washington in a competition that focuses on a development/redevelopment project in the Puget Sound area. Teams are tasked with forming a proposed investment strategy based on the site sponsor’s needs.

NAIOP WA is pleased to announce the City of Tacoma as the site sponsor for this year’s Real Estate Challenge. The 0.56 acre property, located at 728 Market Street in downtown Tacoma, is zoned Downtown Commercial Core, providing teams with an opportunity to evaluate market-rate urban development consistent with Tacoma’s urban design guidelines.

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Development that Empowers [January 2018 Breakfast Recap]

NAIOP WA members and supporters gathered for January’s in-depth presentation from the Runstad Center’s Affiliate Fellows on designing for density that is both equitable and sustainable in our region for the next 100 years.

Before the panel started, NAIOP Washington State outgoing president Kristin Jensen introduced the incoming chapter president, Tony Toppenberg. Tony has been heavily involved in NAIOP since 2007 and was awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award in 2012. He has served on multiple committees, chaired the Membership Committee, and served as treasurer. Tony has 18 years of experience in the construction industry with the last 15 in Seattle. He will serve a one-year term as chapter president.

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